março 26, 2012

Finalmente de volta,e com informações sobre o evento

Ola primeiramente eu sou eu o paladinodomalllll e estou sem avatar pelo o que estão vendo e so queria dizer que vou ter que usar por uma ultima vez o antigo,mais prefira usar nenhuma imagem e quando estiver com uma imagem eu vou conserta e so temporio vamos para o assunto da semana...

Sarah Prineas’ The Magic Thief characters guest star!

Join us for a fantastical AQWorlds in-game special event with magical literary guest-star, Sarah Prineas. Meet magicians, thieves, nobility, and misery-monsters as her characters cause Chaos! The ley lines which contain Lore’s magic are vulnerable to infection by Chaos.

Special Event, Magic Thief

When Drakath uses the nefarious wizard, Pettivox, to infect them, it will be up to you and Conn – a pickpocket turned mage – to save all of the magic (and mages) on Lore! Log into AQWorlds on March 23rd 2012, at sundown for the most magically, massively, manipulative event yet!

AQWorlds' first guest author event!

On behalf of the entire AQWorlds team, we want to thank Sarah Prineas for being a part of this special event! She has generously spent her time and energy helping to make our first guest author event so monumentally magical!

If you’ve enjoyed meeting Conn and the rest of the cast of characters that live in Wellmet, we recommend you check out her Young Adult novels! Fun for readers of all ages, the fantastical world she’s created will put you in Conn’s place as you adventure in a land of magic, mystery, and massive mayhem!

Event Rewards!

You'll have TWO separate shops - an event rares shop and a permanent event rewards shop - quest rewards and monster drops! Be sure to check all of the shops for the gear you're searching for and if it's not there, get to battling!

    Good luck during the event!

    May the fates favor your swords and spells when you confront Pettivox to save magic from Chaos! The future of Lore’s magic rests in your hands, Hero!

    Power. Magic. LIFE. Coursing through your mind, heart, and soul. Mages might wield mighty power, but that comes at a price, and it is not always easy. It takes great control, both of the mind and the will. In our world and the universe of Sarah Prineas' The Magic Thief, mages use aids to focus their concentration and power. That was one of the reasons our universes blended so well.

    With that as an introduction, let's move on to magic lesson #4:

    Focus stones, a primer:

    Each mage in AQWorlds has a focus, usually made of stone*. These stones allow the mage to hook into the ley lines and nexuses of magic which transverse the planet, and can guide them to the lines and reservoirs of magic across the world.

    One of 6 member-only Focus Stone Clusters

    With practice and a stone for which they feel an affinity, a mage may also use the focus stone to enhance, to boost, their power. The crystalline structure of many stones allows it to hold the focused power mages channel through them.

    As an example, think of a small tendril of a mage's power being funneled into a gemstone. That small jot of power bounces off the facets inside of the stone, gaining energy as it rebounds off the planes. That extra energy boosts power, increasing the strength of the magical working.

    One of 5 AC Mana Surge Stones

    With the proper focus and will, a mage may find their strength greatly enhanced, the power of their spells increased manyfold. Of course, that is for normal mages. With the... unique... magic found in Cysero and Warlic, who knows? These two rare mages have not allowed a proper study of themselves to be made.

    The Emerald Mana Surge

    * For example: Cysero with his stone hammer, Warlic with his gemmed staff, Alina with the stones she uses in her potions.

    Magical Event Rare Rewards!

    This Friday set your sites on a store full of mystical, magical, awesome armors, accessories, and weapons! From the enticing member-only Embero Spell armors as quest rewards to the powerful Aether Blade in the AC Rares shop, all the way to the Obsidian Athame free players will find dropping from Deorysa, there are rewards for everyone to collect and covet!

    Mystical Blades in the AC Rares shop!

    Member-only gilded athames

    Mystic NightStalker, AC Rares shop

    Dage the Evil's Death-day Shop Leaves Friday!

    Dage returns to the Underworld tomorrow, taking his shop of rare birthday (birthweeks?) items with him! They will NEVER be available again, and that's one of the reasons the shop stayed so long. If you haven't battled your blade-edge off farming for the Paragon pet, get your armor in gear and get moving!

    The Magic Thief event will be available for the foreseeable future, but the event rares will leave after a week, so get this massively-magical gear while the shop's still in-game! And be sure to check out The Magic Thief event page here!

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    Vote no seu NPC favorito

      Enquete do Hero Heart Day 2022 em andamento! Vá para o norte em Battleon e fale com Big Daddy.  Ele tem 3 enquetes de NPCs para você votar...